A geographical location based alarm and todo reminder app. It alerts and speak your todo notes when you reach or leave a place. It uses GPS or cell network to track location, and it works based on your location and time you specified. Comes with efficient algorithm to save battery and accuracy. It will use high precision tracking only when the device reach close to the targeted location. A good companion for travelers.
***** Please rate us and leave your feedback to support us, for the enhancements, further development and to keep this project alive *****
Key features
* Unique Algorithm for better tracking and better performance.
• GPS / Cell Network based tracking.
• Up to 10 meter precise tracking option with GPS*.
• Battery save options by setting transmission mode, time range and with location area.
• Todo note reminder with voice.
• Missed place alert, when the app sense you missed a place.
• Alert when you Arrive or Leave a place.
• Save and reuse alerts.
• Weekly repeater option for regular users (Currently via Edit)
Keywords : Geo Location Reminder, Location App, GPS Alert, Gps Alarm, Location alert, Location reminder, Location Todo Reminder, Geo Reminder, Travel Alarm, Travel Alert, Place Alert, Place Alarm, Commute alert, Commute Alarm, Destination Alarm
Sebuah lokasi geografis alarm berdasarkan dan aplikasi pengingat todo. Ia mengingatkan dan berbicara catatan todo Anda ketika Anda mencapai atau meninggalkan tempat. Menggunakan GPS atau jaringan sel untuk melacak lokasi, dan itu bekerja berdasarkan lokasi dan waktu yang Anda tentukan. Dilengkapi dengan algoritma yang efisien untuk menghemat baterai dan akurasi. Ini akan menggunakan presisi tinggi pelacakan hanya ketika perangkat mencapai dekat dengan lokasi target. Sebuah pendamping yang baik bagi wisatawan.
***** Silakan menilai kita dan meninggalkan tanggapan Anda untuk mendukung kami, untuk tambahan, pengembangan lebih lanjut dan untuk menjaga proyek ini hidup *****
fitur utama
* Algoritma unik untuk pelacakan yang lebih baik dan kinerja yang lebih baik.
• GPS / Telepon Jaringan pelacakan berbasis.
• Sampai dengan 10 meteran pilihan pelacakan tepat dengan GPS *.
• Baterai menyimpan pilihan dengan menetapkan mode transmisi, rentang waktu dan dengan daerah lokasi.
• Todo catatan pengingat dengan suara.
• terjawab tempat peringatan, ketika akal aplikasi Anda melewatkan tempat.
• Tanda ketika Anda Tiba atau Tinggalkan tempat.
• Simpan dan menggunakan kembali alert.
• pilihan repeater mingguan untuk pengguna biasa (Saat ini melalui Ubah)
Kata Kunci: Geo Lokasi Pengingat, Lokasi App, GPS Alert, Gps Alarm, Lokasi waspada, Lokasi pengingat, Lokasi Todo Pengingat, Geo Reminder, Alarm Travel, Siaga Travel, Tempat Alert, tempat Alarm, Commute peringatan, Commute Alarm, tujuan Alarm
A geographical location based alarm and todo reminder app. It alerts and speak your todo notes when you reach or leave a place. It uses GPS or cell network to track location, and it works based on your location and time you specified. Comes with efficient algorithm to save battery and accuracy. It will use high precision tracking only when the device reach close to the targeted location. A good companion for travelers.
***** Please rate us and leave your feedback to support us, for the enhancements, further development and to keep this project alive *****
Key features
* Unique Algorithm for better tracking and better performance.
• GPS / Cell Network based tracking.
• Up to 10 meter precise tracking option with GPS*.
• Battery save options by setting transmission mode, time range and with location area.
• Todo note reminder with voice.
• Missed place alert, when the app sense you missed a place.
• Alert when you Arrive or Leave a place.
• Save and reuse alerts.
• Weekly repeater option for regular users (Currently via Edit)
Keywords : Geo Location Reminder, Location App, GPS Alert, Gps Alarm, Location alert, Location reminder, Location Todo Reminder, Geo Reminder, Travel Alarm, Travel Alert, Place Alert, Place Alarm, Commute alert, Commute Alarm, Destination Alarm